Archive for the ‘brittany’ Category

Barry Bonds: LA Dodgers Deny Free Speech

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007

At the Dodger game last night, the right field pavilion was packed with fans cheering the Dodgers and lustily booing Barry Bonds whenever he took the field or got to the plate.  Like many others, we were willing to profit off the a-hole.  We brought our gloves in hopes of the “money ball“, Barry’s 755th.

Gloves and booing were fine.  What apparently wasn’t fine were fans with signs denouncing Barry Bonds.  We watched Dodger ushers usher out a fan who unfurled a paper sign with an asterisk *, saying Bonds’ steroid-fueled feat should forever be questioned in baseball’s record books.  Another fan screamed, “Welcome to America, where you can say what you want.”

I call bullshit on the AP and SI.Com for their typical Los Angeles-bashing; “On Wednesday, Bonds got ridiculed right along with the Laker Girls. He shouldn’t feel so bad. At Dodger Stadium, this is just what they do - and he’s used to it.”

Nonsense.  Dodger fans hate the Giants and despise Bonds, but we lust after our Laker Girls–if the AP can’t recognize a horny chant they should find another line of work.

Lindsay Lohan’s Life as a Car Crash

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

I’ve always had a soft spot for Lindsay Lohan, especially compared to the other pop tarts.  Unlike, say,  Nicole or even Brittany, her talent is not in question, and she earns her money, unlike a certain heiress.  

Our favorite of her films is The Parent Trap, where she plays charming but determined twins dedicated to getting their parents back together, but Mean Girls, Freaky Friday and even Herbie have lots of entertaiment value.

Even if we liked her best in a kid’s film, don’t accuse us of not wanting her to grow up.  Her relationship with her divorced parents has been like a car crash, and now she’s had a real one.  If anyone could say ‘Do as I say, not as I do,’  it’s her father, and to young people, hypocrisy is the greatest crime of all.

Her DUI trial (more likely the plea) will be a circus; the only good thing is that unlike Lane Garrison or Brandy (not a DUI) she hasn’t killed anyone (yet).

The partying, the lateness to work, the failed rehab, all seem a cry for help, but there’s been no one willing or able to say “No” to Lindsay and tell her “Nose to the grindstone,” as my father said to me.  Parenting is hard, but someone’s got to do it.

The personal lives of performers have been exploited for over a hundred years to promote their entertainment projects.  The situation has been reversed as millions focus on the antics of the stars, rather than on their movies.

Lindsay Lohan needs to buckle down (and buckle up) get serious about her work, and put her fame to positive use.  People love to trash Angelina Jolie and her ‘zoo’ of adopted children, but she uses her fame (and channels her own family problems) into worthy work like A Mighty Heart, and her charity work dramatizing the problems of the suffering. 

That’s a lot to ask of Lindsay, who’s still not old enough to drink legally, but it’s a way to lose the lack of self-worth that’s driving the continuing car crash.

Lindsey Lohan