Trash or Slash at Wall Street Journal
Thursday, June 21st, 2007That’s the dilemma that Wall Street Journal workers face, claims a New York Times story. Rupert Murdoch would ‘dumb down’ the paper and the rest of Dow Jones; a possible GE/CNBC buyer would ‘consolidate’ (slash) jobs.
Either way, it’s ironic how little editors are aligned with the capitalist values of their media outlets. Drudge is highlighting an MSNBC story about how journalists political donations skew 9-1 Democratic. My favorite quote:
A junior editor at Dow Jones Newswires (!) gave $1,036 to the liberal group and keeps a blog listing “people I don’t like,” starting with George Bush, Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition, the NRA and corporate America (”these are the people who are really in charge”).
That Dow Jones editor has a Constitutional right to contribute to (and publish about) anyone they want. But I would ask him two questions: Dude, where do you work? And what do you do every day–talk about ‘corporate America’!