Political Correctness Bans Lawrence Summers

Over the weekend I saw Third, the last play written by Wendy Wasserstein, in which an aging feminist professor (an excellent Christine Lahti) accuses a blonde preppy student of plagiarism–because she simply can’t accept that he could have written his ground-breaking King Lear paper.

In the Bush/Fox News/right-wing blogosphere era, I thought such “PC” politics were a relic of bygone years.

Unfortunately, vindictive political correctness lives on.  Lawrence Summers, who was forced out as Harvard president for publically doubting whether females were as strong in math and science as males, has been vindictively denied the right to speak at the University of California at Davis, thanks to an online petition.  The petitioners, led by Davis biology Professor Maureen Stanton, said Summers had “poor relationships with women and underrepresented minority faculty” at Harvard.

But UPenn president Amy Guttman got to keep her job after her delight in shooting this image with a terrorist wanna-be on Halloween.

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