Zocalo LA Sucks Ass: Paul Krugman Debacle

By encinoman

Sent email to Zocalo LA, “the intellectual life of LA”, to RSVP my attendence at Princeton Professor (now Nobel winner) Paul Krugman’s lecture “The Financial Meltdown and the Future of American Politics.” Particularly wanted to see him as my son now goes to Princeton.

But after driving 15 miles to attend, the wife and I were among dozens, perhaps hundreds of hipsters turned away, as their system didn’t return emails (”We were full since Oct. 7; it was on the website,” incorrectly claimed one harried organizer). Lots of people with confirmations were turned away as well.

As a long-time writer for Successful Meetings magazine and attendee of many lectures, concerts and conventions, this was one of the worst-organized events I have tried to attend. 

If you want to hear Krugman you can listen here; you’ll forgive me if I don’t bother.

It was a good thing I missed the lecture; I might have violated Zocalo’s “code of civility.”

Paul Krugman

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