Although I am not an Apple fanatic, I do wish the best for Steve Jobs as a person. Being sick and focusing on getting better is no picnic.
That said, I think he should make a final break with Apple, in the same way that Bill Gates receded from Microsoft. Lost in the happy news about Apple beating estimates in a shitty market today was this news about an SEC investigation into Apple’s disclosure policies about his illness.
The investigation and Apple’s non-disclosures (such as the ‘hormone imbalance’ sham) suggest the company took a ”Weekend at Bernie’s” approach to propping up the great man. And as usual, the dwindling band of technology ‘journalists’/Apple syncophants didn’t ask the hard questions.
While the Woz is right that Apple can survive with Jobs, the company needs to go cold turkey now.
Tags: bill-gates, Apple-Computers, Steve-Jobs, technology-journalism, Steve-Wozniak