Archive for the ‘dogfighting’ Category

Michael Vick: Kill a dog, do the time

December 10, 2007

It’s on: Michael Vick was sentenced to 23 months for animal cruelty and financing a dog-fighting conspiracy.  Like many addictions, from cocaine to gambling, Vick’s is costing him dearly:

The Atlanta Falcons are attempting to recoup bonus money from his 10-year, $130 million football contract, Vick is in default on a $1.3 million bank loan for a wine store, and two other banks have filed suits seeking repayment of a $4.5 million in loans and lines of credit.

Perhaps Vick was just born out of time and place.  Shakespeare immortalized bear baiting, and Queen Elizabeth (the first one) was a big fan of what was a big-time sport.  Even today, there are those who will defend Michael Vick and dogfighting, some on cultural, others on libertarian grounds. Money quote:

In the end, if animals are property — and they are — then their owners should be fit to do with them as they please.

Society–and the law–doesn’t see it that way.  That’s why Vick is losing his liberty–and as predicted here, his money.

Michael Vick: Kill a dog, go to jail?

August 14, 2007

We can only hope, although I’m no fan of Federal prosecutions; often, as in this case, they come close to entrapment, protect the privileged and crush the young, poorly-defended and weak. 

But the dogfighting indictment against the NFL quarterback may have a couple of positive results.  With Vick’s ‘friends’ rolling over like beer kegs heading down Pike’s Peak, Vick is faced with an unappetizing choice: taking a plea bargain or fighting their testimony (including the allegation he used his massive NFL salary to bankroll the dogfighting/killing operation) in open court.

What could be positive about all this?  One, that the indictments, and hopefully, convictions, will dissuade at least some from raising dogs to tear each other to shreds.  Another possibility is that the “don’t snitch” culture will spring a few leaks.  If so-called friends can roll on Mike Vick, that message may very well get down to the gangster level.