Archive for the ‘J.K. Rowling’ Category

Harry Potter Ripped Off by New York Times

July 20, 2007

The New York Times and the Baltimore Sun are better than you.  They can break the embargo on the new Harry Potter book with impunity and justify themselves.  Spoiling the story for eager readers is just collateral damage from their lofty search for truth and justice (and the not-so-lofty one of scooping their competitors.) 

Rachel Sklar feels righteous rage.  So does J.K. Rowling.

“I am staggered that some American newspapers have decided to publish purported spoilers in the form of reviews in complete disregard of the wishes of literally millions of readers, particularly children,” she said.  “I am incredibly grateful to all those newspapers, booksellers and others who have chosen not to attempt to spoil Harry’s last adventure for fans.”

The Times review is here; I made sure not to read it as my silent protest, so I don’t know what it says.

The Times has responded to the Internet age in the same way as the scumbags who videotape Hollywood movies in the theatre and sell them on the street.   No more high-minded morality lectures from the NY Times, please.