Archive for the ‘Joe-Rogan’ Category

Fear Factor

July 17, 2007

No, not the long-lived NBC TV show with a high ‘yuck’ factor (listen for Fear Factor host Joe Rogan’s trippy DMT hallucogenic experience.)

Unfortunately this fear factor provides neither a TV- or drug-based escape. It’s the administration’s new and scary report, The Terrorist Threat to the U.S. Homeland report, which surprisingly enough notes that al Qaeda still want to kill us. 

You can read it here, if you don’t find it too depressing/bloodpressure raising.  But as ABC’s Richard Clarke says, “Given that there was no al Qaeda in Iraq until we invaded there, it’s hard not to draw the conclusion that going to Iraq has created a further threat to the United States.” 

There’s also no mention in the report of that Bin Ladin guy–the one we haven’t found yet after 7,000 U.S. deaths in the war on terror.