Archive for the ‘Marion-Cotillard’ Category

Voting Ourselves Into Oblivion

March 3, 2008

No, I’m not talking about the primaries.  I’m talking about how the Academy of Motion Arts voted French actress Marion Cotillard an Oscar–despite her horrendous comments about a commercial ‘conspiracy’ to bring down the World Trade Center. 

She might have been drunk, but maybe Sean Young was right after all.

And more importantly, the U.S. Air Force just voted to spend $40 billion of U.S. taxpayer money on a European aircraft, Airbus tankers instead of Boeing.  “Air Force Gen. Arthur Lichte [sounding uncannily like the Hate American Products crowd at Consumer Reports] said the larger size was key. “More passengers, more cargo, more fuel to offload.”

Americans have voted that foreign is better.  I guess we don’t need American workers (even actors), American products or American manufacturing capacity. 

Just don’t act surprised that the U.S. economy is underwater–or that 10.3% of Americans owe more than their house is worth.