Archive for the ‘MSNBC’ Category

FEMA Fakery: How Not to Treat the News Media

October 29, 2007

The news cycle has come and gone, but it’s remarkable how little outrage there was over the fake press conference the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) threw during the Southern California fires. 

The agency, widely reviled for its horrendous performance during Katrina, gave 15 minutes notice of an upcoming press conference.  When reporters couldn’t attend with such little notice, they had FEMA staffers play the part.

Keith Olbermann treats it as a joke .  I don’t agree, but because the Bush administration has already credentialed a fake but syncophantic reporter, “Jeff Gannon“, better known for gay porn than any journalistic credentials, you could say a fake press conference is par for the course.

The staffers asked predictably lame questions, like “What kind of commodities are you shipping to California?”  Then there was the more ominious ‘obey Homeland Security/blame-the-victim’; “There are reports that people were not heeding evacuation orders.  Can you comment?” 

Parts of the ‘news conference’ were carried live on MSNBC, Fox and other outlets,  according to the Washington Post, which noted,

“FEMA press secretary Aaron Walker interrupted at one point to caution he’d allow just “two more questions.” Later, he called for a “last question.”

“Are you happy with FEMA’s response so far?” a (fake) reporter asked. Another asked about “lessons learned from Katrina.”

“I’m very happy with FEMA’s response so far,” Johnson said, hailing “a very smoothly, very efficiently performing team.”

Dana Perino, the White House Press Secretary, was compelled to go to call it “an error in judgement.”  Michael Chertoff, head of Home Security, which includes FEMA, said  “I think it was one of the dumbest and most inappropriate things I’ve seen since I’ve been in government.”

But is all the contrition only because they were caught by one of those vanishing ‘real journalists’?

Johnson, Oct. 23, 2007

Vice Adm. Harvey E. Johnson, the agency’s deputy director.

President Bush: Not Funny, Not Covered

September 7, 2007

Did you know President Bush spoke to a key economic summit at the Australian Opera House in Sydney yesterday?  Did you know he launched a few of his ?

: “He’d only reached the third sentence of Friday’s speech to business leaders, on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, when he committed his first gaffe.

“Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit,” Bush said to Australian Prime Minister John Howard.

Oops. That would be APEC, the annual meeting of leaders from 21 Pacific Rim nations, not OPEC, the cartel of 12 major oil producers.

Bush quickly corrected himself. “APEC summit,” he said forcefully, joking that Howard had invited him to the OPEC summit next year (for the record, an impossibility, since neither Australia nor the U.S. are OPEC members).

The president’s next goof went uncorrected — by him anyway. Talking about Howard’s visit to Iraq last year to thank his country’s soldiers serving there, Bush called them “Austrian troops.”

You wouldn’t have learned this from CNN.COM, FOXNEWS.COM, or MSNBC.COM,  who are mostly concerned with the mother of a British 3-year old questioned in the girl’s disappearance,  an upcoming ’happy anniversary of September 11′ message from a newly-dyed (and undead) Osama Bin Ladin (hat tip to Andrew Sullivan), and nude pictures of someone named Vanessa Hudgins from High School Musical appearing on the Web.  (To their credit, ABCNEWS did run something on Bush’s confrontation with a Korean leader.)

Bush fatigue is palpable–but our media is doing a pathetic job of covering the President of the United States.

Innocent Hummer Assaulted

July 18, 2007

I don’t like Hummers.  They’re ugly and kind of road hogs.  But I like this even less.

Perhaps the pundits are right; civil discourse is fraying in this country.  The last time I looked, in America you could drive any car you dreamed of that was street legal and you could afford gas for. 

But if you really can’t contain your righteous opinion, rant about SUVs on your blog, buy something small and Japanese so you’ll feel good about yourself (if not your fellow American workers), or, if you must, stick a note under a Suburban’s windshield like the irrepressible Amy Alkon.  Don’t mess with people’s hard-earned property.

Hybrid technology is promising, and maybe I’ll get a Ford Escape for my next car.  Now, I drive an 8-cylinder Mustang GT.  And if I catch someone vandalizing it I will vandalize them.

Paris Hilton: Dumb Blonde or Smart Like a Fox?

July 16, 2007

Jeannette Walls of MSNBC claims Paris Hilton told Larry King she votes in the U.S.  presidential election ‘every year.’  Of course this wasn’t in the taped interview, but off-camera, according to Walls’ ’source.’

But like fellow ‘dumb blonde’ Jessica Simpson of buffalo wings fame, (she got a national commercial out of the infamous “I don’t eat buffalo” comment), Paris is laughing all the way to the bank. 

The media eats this stuff up.

Trash or Slash at Wall Street Journal

June 21, 2007

That’s the dilemma that Wall Street Journal workers face, claims a New York Times storyRupert Murdoch would ‘dumb down’ the paper and the rest of Dow Jones; a possible GE/CNBC buyer would ‘consolidate’ (slash) jobs.

Either way, it’s ironic how little editors are aligned with the capitalist values of their media outlets.  Drudge is highlighting an MSNBC story about how journalists political donations skew 9-1 Democratic.  My favorite quote:

A junior editor at Dow Jones Newswires (!) gave $1,036 to the liberal group and keeps a blog listing “people I don’t like,” starting with George Bush, Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition, the NRA and corporate America (”these are the people who are really in charge”).

That Dow Jones editor has a Constitutional right to contribute to (and publish about) anyone they want.  But I would ask him two questions: Dude, where do you work?  And what do you do every day–talk about ‘corporate America’!