Archive for the ‘NBC-news’ Category

Flo and Lucky: Movie Dogs Take PR Tour

August 29, 2007

Yes, it’s truly the dog days of summer.

Flo and Lucky, the adorable black Labs of the Motion Picture Association of America, are doing the perfect PR tour.  A story about them ran on CBS Radio and they were featured sniffing out DVDs in luggage on the NBC morning show (Dan Glickman, head of the MPAA, has the sense to stand back and let the dogs upstage him).  The dogs even made the New York Times with their anti-piracy pitch.  (BTW, note the horrendous decline of copyediting in the so-called ‘newspaper of record’–the paper claims the dog’s handler, Neil Powell, is from “Newcastle, Northern Island.”)  Perhaps it was the IRT terrorists who battled for control of Northern Island?

Yes, Flo and Lucky and the perfect spokesdogs for the MPAA.  They’re adorable, and they don’t say anything (or drive drunk, flash their private parts or take drugs not prescribed by their veternarian.)  So not only can their PR handlers put words in their mouths, they never have to retract the dumb things they’ve said.

Lucky and Flo sniff at DVD pirates

Virginia Tech: Cover-up or CYA?

May 22, 2007

The postmortems and spin begins, as predicted here.  With 203 additional rounds of live ammunition found (and 32 people dead or dying), Virginia State Police Superintendent William Flaherty told an investigative panel he’s ‘convinced lives were saved because of a rapid response to the classroom building by Virginia Tech and Blacksburg police with tactical and medical expertise who were already investigating an earlier shooting at a campus dormitory.’

Interesting definition of the word “rapid”; this timeline shows at least 2 1/2 hours between the shootings, during which Cho was thoughtfully express-mailing his package to MSNBC.