Archive for the ‘paris-in-jail’ Category

Loving Paris Hilton

June 28, 2007

At my age, I take a paternal interest in Paris.  Not.  And certainly not a maternal interest, like snarky Nora Ephron.

Yes, Paris is hot, but she’s easy to make fun of I admit I love her because you, the reader, loves her–the top search terms on this blog include paris hilton, Paris Hilton, PARIS HILTON, Paris-Hilton, Paris in jail, etc. But you only come here because I write about her. 

So why do I write about her? Isn’t she stupid? Vapid? A no-talent? Racist and possibly anti-Semitic? A ? (To many, another reason to love her.) A Bible-banger? A Buddhist?

I write about her because she is a phenomenon.  People care not only about what she wears and where she goes, but about her.  To her fans, Paris has fashion sense, sass, looks, attitude–in short, all the elements of style.  Put it all together and she’s a real attention-getter. 

Is it all about being rich and a socialite?  Partly–but being rich doesn’t make you a generation’s “It Girl”.   Whatever “it” is, she’s got it–and her fans want it.  She started as a model–so why does everyone expect her to be a role model?

It’s easy to understand why people (over) focus on Paris Hilton or Jordin from American Idol, when the real news is this grim.  The news business is an entertainment business; give the people what they want.  And Paris, friendly to photographers and starring on TV, has become this generation’s people’s princess.

Paris  may be a millionaire many times over, but she’s got the common touch.  Who can’t relate to her claustrophobia, her not wanting to be alone, her making a mistake by drinking and driving?  Who doesn’t take medication?  Who doesn’t like to go out dancing?  Who doesn’t think they’ve been unjustly punished?  Who doesn’t see herself as a dutiful daughter, a good girl who ‘confessed’ to Larry King that she’ll go to Mass? 

And who doesn’t think like Paris does that “the right guy is out there”, and when she finds him, she’ll have a big family because she “loves children?”

Paris has been a girl who just wants to have fun–just like her fans.  And maybe now, after her sobering experience, those fans will watch her growing up.


Persecuting Paris

June 14, 2007

As MondayMorningMediaQuarterback suspected, Paris Hilton will actually serve more time than 80% of those convicted of similar DUI/traffic infractions.  More than 72% of those convicted of similar DUI offenses serve 10 days or less; the judge in the case has mandated that Paris serve all 23 days of her sentence.

But a vemgeful public still seems to want to burn the witch at the stake: An LA Times polling question asked ”Do you think Paris Hilton deserves to do more time for her offense?” and 64.7% answered yes.

She may not have meant to do it, but Paris Hilton has already brought attention to issues of jail overcrowding, poor medical care, equitable punishment and of course unequal application of justice. 

I just hope she doesn’t become a material example. The LA Sheriff’s Department has a lot to answer for with Paris; not only do they run the LA jails, but the very same department may have been profiling her in their street stops.  The last thing Sheriff Baca needs is Paris dead in one of LA County’s ‘Hiltons.’