Archive for the ‘Picasso’ Category

Political Correctness: Picasso Locked in the Basement

September 19, 2007

One of the world’s greatest collections of modern art is locked in the basement of the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art in Iran.  And it’s not “just the Picassos — the Kandinskys, the Miros, the Warhols. The Monet, the Pissarro, the Toulouse-Lautrec, the Van Gogh. Possibly the best Jackson Pollock outside the U.S.” 

The art has been locked up almost 30 years, as the mullahs who run Iran don’t want the people to see such ‘degenerate’ art–too dangerous and corrupting.  It’s yet another point of agreement for them with Hitler, apparently.

The good news is that the Iranians haven’t (yet) destroyed the art as the Taliban did the historic Buddha statues of Afghanistan; probably too valuable.