Archive for the ‘Scott-McNeely’ Category

Passport Breaches: Dirty Tricks or Epidemic of Incompetence?

March 21, 2008

First it was Obama Barack’s passport information that was violated, three times.  Now it comes out that Hilary Clinton and John McCain have been snooped on as well.

 While the possibility of political dirty tricks is real, a better guess is bored, ill-trained and unethical employees [or 'contractors' brought in to handle the last passport crisis mishandled/created by the Bush Administration] saying ‘Check this out!’ to one another. 

Look out, Amanda Beard, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Clay Aiken or anyone briefly in the public eye–or living next door to or dating a passport employee.  Your true age, true name and destinations are probably being gawked at right now.  Scott McNeely was right.  Privacy?  No mas.

As for the ‘contractors’ fired by the State Department, not to worry.  They have a bright future at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), staring at the prescription pills of passengers and fondling their packed underwear.