Archive for the ‘virginia-tech’ Category

Illness into Art

May 23, 2007

Watching is like watching a spectacular car accident; you can’t look away.  Johnston is the talented but clearly mentally-ill singer songwriter whose songs have been recorded by over 150 artists; Target even licensed his “Speeding Motorcycle” for a commercial.  He’s also a visual artist of the outsider school. 

I was first turned onto his music on KXLU-FM in LA, perhaps 20 years ago.

At 45+,  Johnston lives with his aging parents, has been committed several times, and has attacked people close to him, hitting his manager with a lead pipe and causing his father to crash his private plane.

As a parent, my heart goes out to those suffering like this, and especially to Johnston’s elderly parents, who clearly have gone through the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance).

Watch this film if you want insight into a disordered mind, and perhaps you’ll better understand Virginia Tech killer Cho (substitute Johnston’s obsession with the devil for Cho’s “rich brats“.) 

Virginia Tech: Cover-up or CYA?

May 22, 2007

The postmortems and spin begins, as predicted here.  With 203 additional rounds of live ammunition found (and 32 people dead or dying), Virginia State Police Superintendent William Flaherty told an investigative panel he’s ‘convinced lives were saved because of a rapid response to the classroom building by Virginia Tech and Blacksburg police with tactical and medical expertise who were already investigating an earlier shooting at a campus dormitory.’

Interesting definition of the word “rapid”; this timeline shows at least 2 1/2 hours between the shootings, during which Cho was thoughtfully express-mailing his package to MSNBC.