Archive for the ‘Wall-Street-Journal’ Category

Pump and Dump Deja Vu

July 27, 2007

Yes, once again the supposed ‘independent’ analysts from investment banks have been bought off to give buy ratings–which their sales function makes them inclined to do anyway, regardless of reality.

Increasingly a 14,000 DOW is looking like the top as the bad loans come home to roost.   But you won’t find much analysis on the business channels, between Jim Cramer’s shilling, Lou Dobbs’ posturing, and the all important search for a younger, hotter “money honey.”

But no matter how bad it gets we can always count on happy business news from Rupert Murdoch, on his new cable business network and his shiny new prize, the Wall Street Journal.

Trash or Slash at Wall Street Journal

June 21, 2007

That’s the dilemma that Wall Street Journal workers face, claims a New York Times storyRupert Murdoch would ‘dumb down’ the paper and the rest of Dow Jones; a possible GE/CNBC buyer would ‘consolidate’ (slash) jobs.

Either way, it’s ironic how little editors are aligned with the capitalist values of their media outlets.  Drudge is highlighting an MSNBC story about how journalists political donations skew 9-1 Democratic.  My favorite quote:

A junior editor at Dow Jones Newswires (!) gave $1,036 to the liberal group and keeps a blog listing “people I don’t like,” starting with George Bush, Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition, the NRA and corporate America (”these are the people who are really in charge”).

That Dow Jones editor has a Constitutional right to contribute to (and publish about) anyone they want.  But I would ask him two questions: Dude, where do you work?  And what do you do every day–talk about ‘corporate America’!

Give Rupert Murdoch a Break

June 18, 2007

The editorial staff of the Wall Street Journal, plus sundry other journalists, are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.  Their fear?  That Rupert Murdoch, publisher and destroyer of worlds, will take over the Journal with his stained hands.

 They bleat he’ll dumb it down and change its editorial mission.  Which is what–to make the world safe for capitalism?  Then the Journal should be applauding Murdoch’s $60 a share offer.

Murdoch has a history, they say, of using his media empire to advance his own causes and line his pocket.

No shit, Sherlock!  What does a publisher do?  Yellow journalism was Joseph Pulitzer, who got a prize named after him, and William Randolph Hearst, who got an empire, battling in a gutter war for circulation–and to see who could get the U.S. into the Spanish American war first.

Murdoch focuses his chirpy Fox News, smarmy New York Post and the rest on sensationalism and celebrities.  He likes to sell papers and make money. 

As they say, the new Golden Rule is the one who has the gold, makes the rules.  The Wall Street Journal may not like it–but hey, that’s capitalism.

So give me–and Rupert–a break.